Adam Phillips on the happiness myth | Books | The Guardian

We all want to be happy, we want our children to be happy, and there are countless books advising us how to achieve happiness. But is this really what we should be aiming for?

Interesting stuff on the nature and pursuit of happiness, and whether the pursuit of happiness *should* be a right.

After all, lopping off the legs of a live dog (or substitute sentient creature of your choice) and then chomping on the bloodied spasming toes might make me incredibly happy, but there might just possibly be something wrong with making the pursuit of that particular type of happiness a right.

(Of course, if you're a Rot Wallow, that makes it all okay.)

Assorted Guild Wars Screenshots

For some reason, I went on a screenshot spree a while back. I think my goal was to get nice screenshots of areas as I vanquished - and re-vanquished them.

But then somehow, overwhelmed with KEEL KEEL KEEL mentality, I stopped taking the screenies. Probably also because I have the habit of running around with my Main being blind drunk, which makes everything wobbly (because I refuse to turn off post process effects).

And so, here are some assorted screenies. I shall take more! Eventually. Maybe. We'll ignore that I'm 3 weeks behind on my sketches now. Oh yes we will.

P.S. I think the 3 oni are plotting to steal the lighthouse jade.

Nugvis - and more, illustrations galore!

Some illustrations I did for my workplace's new website, all vector work, done in Illustrator. I'm not all that good at cute, it's very hard for me, and takes me way longer than someone with Natural Kyoot tendencies would, but nonetheless, I'm very pleased with how these odd blobbies and co. turned out.

I've also included a couple of the 'sketch versions' of stuff, in case somehow, somewhere, someone is curious. ;)