This author should really go Lorem Ipsum herself.

For those who would argue that it's impossible to evaluate designs without real content, let me ask this: why then, is it okay to evaluate content out of context of the designs? To review copy decks devoid of color, typography, layout, and styling means that readers are missing out on the important signals communicated by design-cues to priority, weight, and hierarchy of information, but also emotional and aesthetic appeal. If content strategists want to ask designers to stop using Lorem Ipsum, maybe designers should insist that content strategists add style sheets to their copy decks that match the proposed design direction.
via; emphasis mine


Because, you utter failure as both designer and writer, good writing should be powerful even if it's untidily but legibly written on 100 sheets of onionskin.

P.S. I agree that Lorem Ipsum can be used in the correct context, and is a valid tool. But the paragraph above is an incredibly annoying straw man argument. Oh, and she's also missed that design supports content; the reverse is called art.