How to make squeaky clean SVGs for use in applications


  1. Open the SVG in Adobe Illustrator.
  2. Where possible, unite shapes with the same fill into compound paths.
  3. Where possible, outline strokes. This will make cleanup easier when we dig into the code.
  4. Remove any additional paths, bounding boxes, etc, that are not a visible part of the SVG.
  5. Scale the SVG to intended rendering size (e.g. if it’s a 24px icon, scale the SVG to be 24px).
    If you want the SVG to be in a 24px "bounding box", then make sure the canvas size is 24px, and your svg is your desired size within the canvas. The canvas functions as your "bounding box".
  6. Clean up sub-pixel alignments where feasible.
  7. Save SVG.

  8. Open the SVG that was just saved by Adobe Illustrator in SVGX.
  9. Select “Optimized” tab.
  10. Hit [Copy].

  11. Open SVG that was just saved by Adobe Illustrator in Visual Studio Code (VScode).
    At this point, it’s possible that no image displays in SVGX’s preview, even if there’s code. That’s fine. Copy the code from the “Optimized” tab in SVGX.
  12. Paste the SVG code from SVGX below Adobe’s original SVG code.
    We’ll be using the code from SVGX, with a few tweaks based on the Adobe original.
  13. (Optional) Turn on word wrap.

    VScode - SVGX-pasted code
  14. Ensure the svg opening tag contains only xmlns and viewBox attributes.
  15. Add title tag and string directly below (outside of) the opening svg tag.
    Do describe what the image is. Don't describe what the image can be used to represent.
    <title>Speedometer</title> - Do
    <title>Dashboard</title> - Don’t
    What the image represents will be handled separately with aria-label or alt-text, depending on the implementation.

    Single-colour SVGs meant to be used as icons
  16. Do NOT declare the colour of any path(s) using the fill attribute.
    E.g. DON’T <path fill="#000" d="M22 11.8h-3.6V13h3l5.5 8.3h1.4z"/>
    This makes the svgs harder to dynamically colour.

  17. Single-colour SVGs meant to be used as images
    Declare the colour of any path(s) using the fill attribute.
    E.g. <path fill="#000" d="M22 11.8h-3.6V13h3l5.5 8.3h1.4z"/>
    This is for SVGs used as images, where there’s no intent to dynamically change the colour

    Multi-colour SVGs
  18. Declare the correct corresponding colour of each path using the fill attribute.
    SVGX-pasted code will often strip the first colour class, and fail to apply it to the first path associated with it. We’ll need to eyeball the path coordinates, and guess match up the colour in the class to the correct path.
    E.g. <path fill="#41B59D" d="M22 11.8h-3.6V13h3l5.5 8.3h1.4z"/>
  19. Remove style tags, and anything in them.
  20. Remove classes, and their values.
    We are replacing style and class with fill and the colour in the corresponding class.
  21. Delete the original code from Adobe Illustrator.
    We only want the code we pasted from SVGX, and then cleaned up.
  22. Save the SVG in VScode.
  23. Open the VScode edited SVG in SVGX.
  24. If the SVG looks as desired / expected - congrats! It’s clean! We can now add it to Iconset.


When I open my VScode edited SVG in SVGX, some paths don’t have the right colours.
It can be tricky to assign the right fills to paths, especially if there are a few of them. Try outlining strokes, and/or combining shapes with the same colours into compound paths in Adobe Illustrator before working with SVGX and VScode.

SVGX is showing a blank preview when I open my VScode edited SVG.
Test the paths by declaring a fill, like so.
<path fill="#41B59D" d="M22 11.8h-3.6V13h3l5.5 8.3h1.4z"/>
If you’re making an SVG that needs to be dynamically recoloured, remember to remove the fills after the preview looks good.

SVGX looks fine, but when I import into Iconset, it just shows a black square/circle/shape.
There may be an additional invisible bounding box / path from the original SVG, which is now being filled, and resulting in a black square/circle/shape. Either locate the invisible path in the SVG code and delete it (this can be hard), or delete the invisible path in Adobe Illustrator, and try again.

That old chestnut again: Should designers code? No... and yes. ;)

Some ponderings as I learn the wonders of CSS-grid, fluid typography, and all the shiny new toys kids these days have.

Gosh, CSS has gotten so much nicer since the days when we had to haul water to the top of the hill both ways barefoot in the snow.

No, designers shouldn't code
I don't think designers need to be able to write production quality code. It stands to reason that I have a vested interest in this "no", as I haven't committed production code in over a decade. Plus, production quality code, especially at an enterprise-level, is a completely different beast from building a small static website. When it comes to enterprise code, scalability, maintainability, extensibility are all very important - and I prefer to leave them to the experts (my developers).

Yes, designers should code
Ideally, designers should have some familiarity with, and understanding of the basic "materials" used to build the digital products they design. Additionally, the "materials" will vary, even across digital products. Just because I can write js and css certainly does not mean I know the "materials" for native Windows, Mac, Android, or Linux.

With that as the caveat - being able to code just enough to know my materials is a very big plus. I did a basic Vue course fairly recently. Nothing fancy, just a single page app. However, what I learnt from that course gave me a much better idea of how Vue (and React, and Angular) work at a very high level, and how that can translate into implementation. It also made it collaborating with front-end web developers easier, as we had some degree of shared knowledge.

I've also been experimenting with the "new" (not so new, I know) CSS toys all the kids have these days. What's really cool about this is that unlike the Vue course, what I'm learning about CSS is changing the way I think and design - and think about design. These learnings change the bounds of what I know are possible.

For example, I have been reading about fluid typography on the web for a couple of years now - and before I started poking around the code, it's been a very abstract sort of interest. E.g. "Nice and interesting abstract concept, I should try to design for that when I have the opportunity". Now that I've poked around the code, and gotten a basic understanding of how things work, this has changed to a much more real and practical, "ZOMG now that I actually know how that bit of code holds together, I can actually set a typographic scale that way, and see it work. And I can see how I could make it work in so many places. Waoohh!"

Here's my supernoob code-pen, which I'm modifying on the fly as I learn more about css-grid and fluid typography.
All the noob inline comments, every noob inline comments!

See the Pen Flying Red Horse - CSS-Grid Experiments by JC (@nuggettyone) on CodePen.

Things to consider when defining default animation timings and easings for user interfaces

I meant to rewrite this nicely a long time ago, never got down to re-writing it. And yet... it seems like it could help people. So here's the original braindump version.

Default timing for animations == 200ms. Default easing == Ease In-Out

This is the simplest way to achieve what we want, in terms of animation.

What we are doing here can be considered "semantic" animation, as it is the animations that "explain" to the user why and how the map is being displayed to them. The equivalent is a book opening, or a page turning.

If possible, make the timings and the animation types customisable, with defaults.

Why 200ms?
Because when it comes to things we interact with mostly visually, 200ms is the amount of time it takes the human brain to register that something has come into view, or changed. At 200ms, UI animation feels almost instant.

Now, we could get pickier, and make it 300-400ms for XS, SM, and 200ms for MD, L, XL, because the distance travelled by the animated objects also influences how fast they feel. However, this lies in the realm of "fancy extras". They are nice, but if we start doing that, then to be consistent, we need to do it EVERYWHERE.

So 200ms. ;) For everything.

Please note that this is a visual thing. If you are writing with a stylus, and the lag is 200ms (or you're gaming! ;) ) 200ms, is way way way too slow. When writing with a digital stylus, or drawing with a mouse, the latency has to be as close to 0 as possible. Even 100ms feels laggy when you draw with a stylus or a mouse.

Why Ease In-Out?
Easing makes animations look more natural, by visually mimicking the laws of physics.

We're using Ease In-Out as the default, as it mimics physics, AND is less confusing for most people who aren't professional animators.

But whyyyyy! ;) Ok here's why...

If we wanted to be picky, when something animates INTO view, we should use Ease-Out. Ease-Out is when something moves fast at first, and then slows down. This mimics physics in the real world, where stuff loses momentum as it moves, due to friction. So it starts fast (because as it's animating into our view, it's already moving), and as it runs out of energy, it slows down.

Likewise, when something animates OUT OF view, we should use Ease-In. Ease-In is when something moves slowly at first, and then speeds up. Again, this mimics physics in the real world, where it takes time for stuff to build up momentum, and then it goes faster as it collects enough energy to overcome friction. So it starts slow (because it's charging up, while still being in our view), and then the animation speeds up as the item leaves our view.

^And yes, for stuff that comes INTO view, it's better to use Ease-OUT, for stuff that LEAVES our view, it's better to use Ease-IN. Yes. It's horribly confusing.

Ease In-Out to the rescue! ;) Our :X compromised best of both worlds. It's not really... but it's the least confusing to remember.

Ease In-Out is when something moves slowly at first, gets quicker... then slows back down. In UI terms, this is a nice compromise if we don't wanna be fancy, because as humans, we're lazy about how we perceive things.

When we use Ease In-Out for something that animates INTO view, the human-goldfish mind has most likely already stopped paying attention before the last "slow" in the slow-fast-slow sequence. So to the human-goldfish, most of the time it'll look like an Ease-Out.

When we use Ease-In-Out for something that animates OUT of view, the human-goldfish mind (you see where this is going) takes a while to notice what's going on. ;) So it likely doesn't notice the first "slow" in the slow-fast-slow sequence.*

*Updated on 28 Jan 2022 to change ease in-out to accurately reflect a slow-fast-slow sequence. I got sequence of what happens with ease in-out wrong originally, but using it still works, because the human-goldfish principle still applies.

Some samples, using 200ms and (naughty naughty, ALL ease-in).
Each click as shown is triggering a new 200ms animation to the next keyframe.

The most effective user interfaces aren't invisible. They're sneaky.

The 'best' user interfaces (UIs) are invisible.

Catchy statement, right? After all, UIs like those are the ones you don't notice, cause you're busy getting stuff done.

Except that it isn't true.

The most effective UIs are the ones that make it easy, and even pleasurable for you to do what THEY want you to do.

And what a UI wants you to do may not be what you want to do. (I'll leave the question of 'best for whom' aside for now.)

For example...

Casino UI
Ahh, hello human, I want you to stay with me, and spend money continuously, for as long as possible, so that my owners can profit from you. :D

I want to win! Winning makes me feel great! I'm sure my next big win is just around the corner!
This is rather different from you, the human, saying, I want to stay in this place and spend money continuously, for as long as possible.

Online Shopping UI (E.g. Fashion)
Hi there human, I want you to desire everything I have on offer, and spend as much money as possible, so I'm gonna make buying as easy as possible. As far as I'm concerned, you can't buy too much! :D

I wanna look good to other humans! And I don't wanna be ripped off while I... ooh shiny! I need this! And this! And this! Ooh and this!

Clinical UI (E.g. Doctor)
Hey doc, I want you to accurately record all the relevant information about your patients, so that your patients can get the best care you're able to provide. :D

I want to make sure that I get everything down accurately, so that my colleagues and I are able to help our patients achieve the best outcomes possible.

Usability is ethically neutral - UI design isn't

There's an assumption that UIs that are user-friendly, and 'delightful' have our best interests at heart. From the examples above, this obviously isn't always true. It may not even often be true.

Casino UI is a great example of conflict between what we want, and what the UI wants us to do. We appear to be travelling on the same 'journey', but at the end of the day, the relationship is parasitical at best, and adversarial at worst.

Online Shopping UI has a less toxic relationship with us, as users. At least the UI isn't expressly designed to exploit our human weaknesses for profit. As a merchant's proxy, the UI very reasonably wants to make its goods attractive to us, and make it easy for us to buy stuff.

Clinical UI is what we tend to assume we're getting, even when that trust is unwarranted. It embodies the classic concept of 'best UI'. What Clinical UI wants us to do works hand in hand with what we want to achieve for our patients.

But even if the usability of all three UIs is the same, the ethical contrast between the three UI designs couldn't be more different.

When it comes to usability, it's important to remember that there's no moral value attached to how easy something is to use. Moral value comes into existence when ease-of-use and pleasure is harnessed to directing specific behaviours.

When we look at it that way, it's pretty easy to say: Casino UI is evil, Online Shopping is neutral, and Clinical UI is good.

UX and UI design are essentially the design of systems, products, and interfaces that encourage, reinforce, and reward specific user behaviours.

Whether the outcomes of these specific behaviours are beneficial or harmful to us - as users - is highly dependent on why the product was created in the first place.

So the next time someone tells you that all you do as a designer is 'make pretty buttons', tell them that the pretty buttons are just a small, unthreatening part of designing reward systems for sneaky mind control. ;)

The Flat Design Trend & Silly Catty Designer Behaviour aka I <3 Eli Schiff

Today we are told we can rest assured that visual design is no longer so vacuous and superficial, due to the advent of flat design.

I take a different stance. 'Pure veneer' is not an insult in my book. Quite the opposite, it is the very definition of visual design. Thinking visual design is anything but superficial not only requires a profound level of ignorance, but it indicates an incredibly limited view of what visual communication can accomplish.

These rationalizations by newly turned modern minimalists are incredibly telling. If prominent practitioners are being honest with us in claiming that visual design was plagued by harmful decoration only up until the advent of flat design, then they are admitting that for years, for the history of the GUI, and perhaps even the entire history of design itself, designers have been putting on a sham project in order to dupe corporations.

Worse still, claims of visual design's insignificance tell us that design leaders never took their craft seriously. It truly undermines their credibility that it took the arrival of flat design for them to treat the entire spectrum of roles in product design with respect. Of course, as soon as that happened, they graduated from respecting traditional interface design principles.

This so-called 'maturation' in the vast majority of the design industry is in this way a major indictment of the professional history of these practitioners. If anyone should be condemned, it should not be those accused of the crime of visual design, but those practitioners who treat their job as frivolous.

Perhaps the design world breeds a form of narcissism due to its nature as a winner-take-all economy. That would explain the logic of this race to the bottom in which designers feel compelled to attack their craft before others assume they are 'bullshitters' too. In the words of Dr. Sam Vaknin:

By pre-empting society’s punitive measures and by self-flagellating, the narcissist is actually saying: 'If I am to suffer unjustly, it will be only by my own hand and no one else's.'

It is this masochistic status-striving that I find so ugly in this industry. That he who discredits his own craft is the most pious. That the most respected designer is the one who disowns beauty. This perpetual need to be the first to assign irrelevancy to one's own professional practice is the true impetus behind much of the puritanism of modern minimalist avant gardism.

- From Eli Schiff's last article in an amazing 5 part series, Fall of the Designer

Details way better than I could have how the unnerving thing about 'flat is the bestest and the coolestestest and the maturestestest' is in truth paying only lip service to serving our users' needs, while actually serving as a designer's wank.

Go read it, read it all!