Cradle mountain in Tasmania is the first wildlife reservation a nugget has ever been to - in fact, it's the first wildlife anything that a nugget has ever been to! Also, it's the second time a nugget has ever encountered snow. The first time was about 15+ years ago in Croatia in midwinter. Quoth a nugget, then, 'It's (the snow) not like sand at all!'
Saw lots of waterfalls, molested a Tasmanian devil, ate some wallaby, and skidded and minced along on lots of ice. Tropical nugget on ice = super fearful nugget. Remarked repeatedly to the NuggetBoy that the rendering in this simulation was amazing. So much so that it made a nugget a bit homesick for GW:EotN's Far Shiverpeaks. XD
Funnily enough, it seems that SLRs are the reason a nugget barely passed photography in design school. Give her a dummy-proof one and suddenly everything is fine. >.>
SooOooo pretty. I do kinda wish the PDF had done the text as overlays, so I could read and view at the same time, but I guess they didn't want to spoil the photos.
This is where I started wishing the PDF could hide/show the text. Or have it as notes.
Waaaaaaoh! Amazing 'amateur' photographer from Finland. >.> Right. Amateur. XD
This one would be very pretty even without the makeup! The others... not so much. XD
Apparently this was done with half/half makeup, and not composited together afterwards. Eenteresting!
This is just so cool and beautifully done. Must acquire digital camera at some point and have another go at taking pictures of non-food-thingies.
Never realised what absolutely gorgeous photos were linked to GSV by just 'flying and hovering' over the map. Eeee!
... I don't think it's intentional, but this photo is as hilarious as it is gorgeous.
Have a closer look. Look at those 3 skyscrapers in the centre, raising their arms (cranes) and going RAWRRRRR!
Complete with dramatic lighting to boot. XD