Online Personas - An Installation by Aaron Zinman

In the wake of the whole Blizzard-Activision RealID debacle comes this shiny, scary, fun toy! This toy was not inspired by the whole RealID thing that I know of, but it's still oddly relevant!

Online Personas - An Installation by Aaron Zinman

You puts in your namez. It searches (some parts) of the Intarwebz. It makes a pretteh graphic. It shows you how the Intarwebz sees you! Be aware though, if you share the same name with many other non-snowflakes, it will show an aggregate you!

Go forth my minions, play wif it!

(Also, apparently one of my closest friends was born in 1834, got married in 1814, and has 5 children. I think there's something she isn't telling me...)

3 responses
one of the first things i saw was that I was dead and survived by two sons. not a particularly useful gadget but thanks
Ha! You try to pull the wool over my eyes (not that nuggets have eyes) but you FAIL!

It is obvious that you, like my friend, are a vampire, or some other sort of seedy immortal with nefarious purposes. Luckily, this tool has shown me the TRUTH!. *runs off with tinfoil hat clapped to head* *not that nuggets have heads*

Fascinating. In my case, almost completely irrelevant, too. It's not even consistent between attempts. There is one consistency in the process, and I'm almost certain where it comes from... and if I could erase it from the 'web, I would. It's nothing terrible, a citation of credit for a game I worked on for EA... I just detest the game and would rather not be connected to it. *shrug*