Guild Wars: PvX Wiki, Babysteps and Ur Doing it Wrong!

The Great Thing About PvXWiki
If you're not familiar with a class, it's a great resource for finding out what generally works. While many of the builds assume you have all three campaigns and access to every skill there is, it's still pretty easy for newbies to look at the builds 'til they find one they can vaguely match, and use it.

Alternatively, if you're not new to Guild Wars, but just new to the class, you probably do have a bajillion skills unlocked, in which case - Skill Tomez to da rescue!

Toddle along in babysteps, learning the class with a decent build, and perhaps eventually becoming able to write one of your own! YAY!

The ARGH Thing about PvXWiki
Unfortunately, some people don't evolve. -_-

It doesn't matter if you've tested your build thoroughly, know its strengths and weaknesses inside out, and know when to use it, and when to bring something else. It doesn't matter if you've done more stuff than them, know the content better than them, or whatever else!

Nooo! What matters is when you link your skillbar, they see that it's, 'ZOMG THAT'S NOT ON PVX! U NOOB!' -_- Even if they haven't the slightest ability to read (and by read, I mean understand) your bar. They'll only feel safe if the build is on PvXWiki because PvXWiki is the be all and end all, and God forbid people might actually make effective builds that they're too lazy to share because they don't feel like signing up on PvXWiki. *whistle to self*

When confronted with such strange people, I usually just change to a PvXWiki bar so they'll shut up and leave me alone. I know some people might view it as cowardice but hey... I can always leave the group and use my trusty Animated Love Dolls (Heroes and Henchmen)! So since I presumably signed up to be social, why not be social. After all, anyone howling at a bar that they obviously haven't a hope of understanding is probably just insecure and new.

And last but not least, the 'I'm So Old I Know It All and Everything Has Been Done So You're a Nub For Not Using PvXWiki' (ISOIKIAAEHBDSYANFNUP!)
Those really annoy me too, since ArenaNet does change and rebalance skills, making some things possible, viable, and even downright sexy, that weren't before. And directly after such changes, it seems not to occur to the ISOIKIAAEHBDSYANFNUPses that things take time to filter into PvXWiki. Time and motivation. Just because someone loves to tinker with builds day and night (like a nugget!) does not mean these people have the motivation or inclination to put them on PvX.

~_o So while the builds I occasionally post may not have made it into PvXWiki, they have worked extremely well for me.

That being said, I promise to post some build love soon. >.< All that RL work, it's getting my batter soggy!