Guild Wars: Nahpui Quarter (Mission, Outpost & Explorable Area)

Digging through all those Guild Wars screenshots has made me realise afresh just how lovely the game's art direction is.

...and so I've come up with a little mini-GW project.

I aim to take at least one screenshot (hopefully aesthetically pleasing ~_o) of every explorable area, mission, outpost and city in Tyria, Cantha, Elona and the Eye of the North.

I won't be editing these screenshots at all - what I get when I press Print Screen is what you'll see here.

Incidentally, does anyone know if the Guild Wars world has a name? The planet, that is? Or do they just call it 'Earth' the way we call the Earth the... uh... Earth?

And so here we start off with - Nahpui Quarter!

3 responses
Mmm... yummy GW screenies. I really do love to look around in that game. I wish I had more time to play and take shots m'self.

Confusingly can find the continent of Tyria in Tyria. :D


I miss you lady~ I iz @ chile helping the anti-booger people fight cholera!
Once I have puter access for longer period I'll try getting my gamer back on.

Oo! Zeetoerot!

That is confusing. XD I never realised Tyria was also Tyria-the-Planet, but I suppose it's no more confusing than 'Earth'.

I miss j00 too. :(

Eradicate the choleraboogers wif the shiny bright light of your good heart! *care bear stare*

Sumday we shall sally forth and smite the fake living organisms with pretty lights once moar!