Ahh, someone with my definition of 'casual' player in MMOs. <3 Armond Warblade

"the three humans in my group are all very casual players. We were doing some Nightfall rushing to get my mesmer to DoA" You realise you contradicted yourself right there don't you? NF Rushing to get to an elite mission is hardly casual play. Yu Takami 15:49, 8 July 2011 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure "casual" implicates how often one plays, not what one plays or how well one plays it. Besides, elite missions are some of the only content in the game worth playing; "normal pve" is boring to me after the first time. -- Armond WarbladeUser Armond sig image.png 03:13, 9 July 2011 (UTC)

Incidentally, this is something I always had trouble explaining to a majority of raiders in WoW. ;)

4 responses
Several years later... Sweet.
Several years and one heartbroken Nugget later, yeah. =/ Still, it is an awesome definition! ;)
Yeah. I don't always agree with what my younger self had to say or how he said it, but this is a definition that passed muster in my game design courses at college. I think the more important part can be found in my previous post: "We were doing some Nightfall rushing to get my mesmer to DoA when winds of change came out on us and we decided to do that instead." (Emphasis added.) Casual is an attitude: "I feel like doing this, so I'll do it." Hardcore is a different attitude: "We need to do this to win." My current raiding guild raids hardcore two nights a week, three hours a night (and I'm down to one of those nights). We're there to smash and grab. I casually do various stuff on alts in my free time: whatever pops first is what I do, if I care more about it than the story missions I'm running. Updated link, in case anyone cares ever: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Talk:Winds_of_Ch...
Indeed! And, "I feel like doing this, so I'll do it," does not exclude the possibility of doing it very damn WELL, depending on the player. <3