Assorted Guild Wars Screenshots

For some reason, I went on a screenshot spree a while back. I think my goal was to get nice screenshots of areas as I vanquished - and re-vanquished them.

But then somehow, overwhelmed with KEEL KEEL KEEL mentality, I stopped taking the screenies. Probably also because I have the habit of running around with my Main being blind drunk, which makes everything wobbly (because I refuse to turn off post process effects).

And so, here are some assorted screenies. I shall take more! Eventually. Maybe. We'll ignore that I'm 3 weeks behind on my sketches now. Oh yes we will.

P.S. I think the 3 oni are plotting to steal the lighthouse jade.

Kralkatorrik, Elder Rot Wallow

According to legend, Kralkatorrik is one of the slumbering elder dragons, who's been snoozing in the middle of Grothmar Wardowns in the Charr Homelands since... before anyone remembers when!

Rotty, though, informs me that Kralkatorrik is the Elder Rot Wallow, far superior to dragons. He cites his own adorably spiny back as a reference. Gotta admit, there is a resemblance...