ZOMGOOD! Deep-fried jelly donuts re-fried in bacon fat.

<3 to nuggetboy for braving the evil bacon spatters for mai mad gastro-science experryments!

The donuts are glorious. Go forth and make dem!

P.S. It's only the carbs in it that'll make you fat, and do bad things to your heart. Seriously. Tis troo.

3 responses
That sounds hilariously Bad For You, tho I bet it tastes great. (Never mind the fat and sugar, it's the RE-frying that scares me - I would try making them from scratch tho getting enough bacon fat to deep-fry donuts might be an issue...) You should get him to make you some pancakes on bacon fat, those I can personally vouch for. Pure piggy sugary goodness.
Oo still have to try those. Last week we did McD's cinnamon melts. OoOh good.

Now I'm whining for apple pies, and as for the pancakes... I think some of the mini ones from Marks & Spenser would do quite well. Come to think of it, we could fry crumpets too!

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