Assorted Guild Wars Screenshots

For some reason, I went on a screenshot spree a while back. I think my goal was to get nice screenshots of areas as I vanquished - and re-vanquished them.

But then somehow, overwhelmed with KEEL KEEL KEEL mentality, I stopped taking the screenies. Probably also because I have the habit of running around with my Main being blind drunk, which makes everything wobbly (because I refuse to turn off post process effects).

And so, here are some assorted screenies. I shall take more! Eventually. Maybe. We'll ignore that I'm 3 weeks behind on my sketches now. Oh yes we will.

P.S. I think the 3 oni are plotting to steal the lighthouse jade.

3 responses
Oooh, purty. I really do love the visuals in GW. I should go play it again.
Indeed! For an aging dame, Guild Wars is still one handsome lady!
More Thoughts! Of Doom!

What I particularly like about GW landscapes is how naturalistic they are. I love how the GW designers understand that it doesn't all have to be bright colours and fantasy world to be beautiful. I love that the art direction folks understand that the natural world IS a gorgeous place already, and not everything has to be oversaturated in colours outta a box of crayolas in order to be beautiful.

Right. I'm ranting. Butbut... It's my blog and I'll rant if I want to, raaaant if I want to! XD